Open Grant Opportunities
Open Grant Opportunities
Empire Health Foundation is launching a new 5-year grant funding commitment through the Building Connections Initiative. Learn more about that program below. The grant application period begins in mid-September.
All of our programs will prioritize grassroots, by and for organizations representing and responsive to BIPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+, disability, rural and low-income communities in our service area. This commitment is driven by the learnings embedded in EHF's Equity Healing Framework and EHF's 10-year Strategic Plan.
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Open Grant Programs
Building Connections Initiative: Applications open September 25
Building Connections Initiative:
We’re excited to announce the launch of the Building Connections Initiative on September 25. This program marks a major shift in our grant funding that will see us focusing most of our resources on by and for grassroots nonprofits serving BIPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+, disabled, low-income and rural communities. Our dedication to these organizations, and health equity in historically marginalized communities, necessarily means that we will not be funding the same breadth of community organizations as we have in the past.
This program is also intended to extend beyond grant funding and create space for community partners to share knowledge, training opportunities, healing experiences, and more. We believe the space created by this program can have a transformative effect on our community that reverberates across the region for years to come.
We have designed this program based on the feedback you, our community partners, have shared with us over the last several years. That feedback is embedded in our Equity Healing Framework and our newly adopted 10-year strategic direction, which gave this initiative its shape.Brief program description:
- The Building Connections initiative is a 5-year grant funding commitment of $50,000 per year to funded organizations.
- This program serves nonprofit organizations in EHF's seven county, three Tribal Nation Service Area.
- Through this initiative we will be convening group sessions where grantees will meet to share knowledge and resources with each other.
- Grantees will be asked to co-create this program with EHF staff, driving future program activities and objectives.
- The goal of cohort is to foster a space for healing for nonprofit organization leaders and knowledge sharing among nonprofits that creates a better resourced and connected ecosystem of nonprofits in eastern Washington.
Initial Timeline*:
August 20- September 12: Community feedback, pre-application phase
September 25: Application opens
*This timeline is subject to change and will be updated based on community input.
Program Materials:
*Please note that this draft invitation to apply will be updated when the application opens on September 25.DEFINITIONS
- The Building Connections initiative is a 5-year grant funding commitment of $50,000 per year to funded organizations.
Technical Assistance: Closed
Technical Assistance:
Through the Technical Assistance Program (TA Program) Empire Health Foundation (EHF) will prioritize grants to grassroots and by-and-for nonprofit organizations representing BIPOC, 2SLGBTQIA+, disability and low-income communities to support technical assistance needs that empower partner organizations to build the capacity to grow, sustain and thrive.
Examples of eligible technical assistance include but are not limited to grant writing, strategic/business planning, human resources support, staff development, knowledge building and financial management supports.
Anticipated Timeline:
August 19-30: Review Period
September 16-20: Final funding decisions announced